Five Star Activators

Five Star Activators engage in exceptional Amateur Radio outreach during their activations and receive a special “Five Star Activator” designation on their Activator certificate. Activators must perform a minimum of five items on the Five Star Activator list to qualify.

Each of the following Activators has qualified and will receive the special “Five Star Activator” recognition on their Activator certificates:

DateCall SignName
2019-01-01K0BAKPeter Kobak
2019-02-28VO1NARNorth Atlantic Radio Project Field Ops Team
2019-04-26VE1GPYSheldon Hartling
2019-07-15VE2GTPierre Jolin
2019-09-03VC7FLFred Orsetti
2019-12-18VE9MYLen Morgan
2019-12-31VE1JMBJohn Bignell

If you’d like to claim “Five Star Activator” credit, please send a request to the CNPOTA event committee using the Contact Form. Please be prepared to provide documentation (photos, video, electronic media, etc) of those activities; if requested.
