ADIF File Format

CNPOTA will accept log files in Cabrillo version 3.0Cabrillo version 2.0 and ADIF formats.  You can find specifications for Cabrillo files on the WWROF web site and specifications for ADIF files on the web site.

Activator and Chaser activity must be submitted in separate log files.  Do not include more than one activation in a single log file.

Your Amateur Data Interchange Format file must be a valid ADIF file in .adi format as defined by the ADIF Developers Group.  The ADIF standard defines a large number of fields and enumerated data types.  However, the majority of these fields and values are not required by CNPOTA and will be ignored by the log checking software (robot).

Your file will be checked to confirm that it is a properly formatted ADIF file and any format errors will be reported.

Required/Optional ADIF Fields for CNPOTA

Header Fields:

Optional field that identifies the name of the logger, converter, or utility that created or processed this ADIF file.

Optional field that identifies the version of the logger, converter, or utility that created or processed this ADIF file.

Optional field that identifies the version of ADIF used in this file in the format X.Y.Z;  where:

  • X is an integer designating the ADIF epoch,
  • Y is an integer between 0 and 9 designating the major version,
  • Z is an integer between 0 and 9 designating the minor version.

Optional field that marks the end-of-header in the ADIF file.  The <eoh> tag appears in an ADIF file after the header and before the start of the QSO records.

QSO Fields:

QSO Band.  If you don’t include the <band> field, you must include the <freq> field.

QSO frequency in Megahertz.  If you don’t include the <freq> field, you must include the <band> field.

An enumerated value specifying the QSO mode.  Required.

Date on which the QSO started in UTC (in YYYYMMDD format).  Required.

Time on which the QSO started in UTC (in HHMM or HHMMSS format).  Required.

Signal report sent to the contacted station for readability, signal-strength and for CW, tone. See rst.

May be omitted for satellite contacts when <sat_name> tag is present.

The contacted station’s callsign.  Required.

Signal report from the contacted station for readability, signal-strength and for CW, tone. See rst.

May be omitted for satellite contacts when <sat_name> tag is present.

Optional field that may be set to N to mark a QSO that was not complete from the perspective of the logging station.  This is treated like X-QSO in Cabrillo format.

<srx> or <srx_string>
Optional fields that may be used to report contest information received such as Parks Canada unit identifiers.  These values will be ignored by the log checking software (robot).

<stx> or <stx_string>
Optional fields that may be used to report contest information transmitted such as Parks Canada unit identifiers.  These values will be ignored by the log checking software (robot).

Optional name of satellite.  If present, <rst_sent>  and <rst_rcvd> tags may be omitted.

Required tag that marks the end of each QSO record in the ADIF file.

Sample ADIF Log File

Sample file for CNPOTA
<qso_date:8>20190622<time_on:4>1600<call:4>W1AW<freq:2>14 <mode:3>ssb<rst_sent:2>59 <rst_rcvd:2>59<eor>
<qso_date:8>20190622<time_on:4>1618<call:5>VE1MR<freq:2>14 <mode:3>ssb<rst_sent:2>59 <rst_rcvd:2>59<eor>
<qso_date:8>20190622 <time_on:4>1655 <call:6>VE3RAC <freq:2>14 <mode:3>ssb <rst_sent:2>59 <rst_rcvd:2>59 <eor>
<qso_date:8>20190622 <time_on:4>1707 <call:6>VE1DTR <freq:2>14 <mode:3>ssb <rst_sent:2>59 <rst_rcvd:2>59 <eor>
<qso_date:8>20190622 <time_on:4>1709 <call:5>VE1KS  <freq:2>14 <mode:3>ssb <rst_sent:2>59 <rst_rcvd:2>59 <eor>
<qso_date:8>20190622 <time_on:4>1712 <call:6>VE2RAC 
<band:3>20m   <mode:3>ssb <rst_sent:2>59 <rst_rcvd:2>59 <eor>

